Our Theological Beliefs*

*you do not have to share these beliefs to belong, serve, or lead here


We believe in a trinitarian and relational God who invites everyone to join the table of divine love. We believe in one creator God who reveals God’s self as our Mother/Father; Jesus Christ, our Savior/Friend; and the Holy Spirit, our Liberator/Comforter. God became human in the person of Jesus, whose life, death, and resurrection inspire our hope that love triumphs, even over death. God’s love is more expansive than we can comprehend, and extends to everyone, always.

God Speaks

We believe God speaks to us through creation, God’s original revelation of love. God speaks to us through experiences of love, and even silence. We also believe God speaks through Scripture. The Bible contains the origin stories of our Christ-centered faith. The Scriptures guide us in wisdom, just as they did Jesus, and are a living record of God’s love for the world. We teach from honest, authentic engagement with the Scriptures, inviting their instruction and correction for living a fruitful, loving life of justice-making.

The Beginning of the Story

All people are created in God’s image and worthy of unconditional love and dignity. We bear witness to the belovedness and original goodness of every human being. Created to be justice-making people, we follow on the heels of Jesus, seeking to “do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God (Micah 6:8).”

The Ending of the Story

While belovedness and goodness are our foundational identity, we don’t deny the evil in this world, or the unloving choices we make which have profound consequences for ourselves and others. The death and resurrection of Jesus demonstrate God’s unceasing solidarity in our suffering, and offers forgiveness and a promise for healing. We are saved for love and for justice-making, as we participate in restoring the God-given dignity of others. God’s grace, which is bigger and more comprehensive than we can even imagine, is the beginning, middle, and end of our Story.