We believe how we do what we do is as important as what we do. Our Community Covenant guides us in our relationships with each other, and is the way we develop relational health.
Grow in Self-Awareness
Be present
Speak your truth with love
Be aware of your social location
Lean into discomfort to promote growth
Name your part in conflict
Cultivate Trust
Believe the best in each other
Meet people where they are
Give grace abundantly
Address conflict soon – don’t let grievances build up
Respect Each Other
Follow through with commitments and acknowledge limitations
Share in decision-making; collaborate
Recognize everyone processes at their own pace
Own your impact on others
Honor healthy boundaries
Honor each other in disagreement (unless the disagreement is rooted in one’s oppression)
Hold Space for All
Listen with curiosity to understand
Everyone’s perspective is needed
Be proactive to ensure diversity of voices are present
Stay attuned to how much space you are taking up
Seek God Together
Through gratitude and curiosity
In caring for others
In worship and contemplation
By listening for guidance/wisdom
In prayer for communities near and far
We strengthen the health of our church through shared leadership and dependence on God our Creator, Jesus Christ our Redeemer, the Holy Spirit our Sustainer, and on each other.